- Autor
- Narodoslawsky, Michael
- Fiedler, Dagmar
- TitelEnergy, Sustainability and Society is celebrating two years of successful open-access publication
- Datei
- DOI10.1186/2192-0567-3-21
- Persistent Identifier
- Erschienen inEnergy, Sustainability and Society
- Band3
- Erscheinungsjahr2013
- Heft1
- LicenceCC-BY
- ISSN2192-0567
- Download Statistik2288
- Peer ReviewNein
- AbstractAt the end of this year, our journal will be celebrating its second anniversary of appearance. Looking back on 2 years of successful open-access publication, the secret of our journal may not exclusively be explained by its new and modern form of publication but also by its broad and timely scope as an interdisciplinary forum for research, development and implementation of sustainable energy systems.