  • Autor
    • Braud-Santoni, Nicolas
    • Bloem, Roderick
    • Jacobs, Swen
  • TitelSynthesis of Self-Stabilizing and Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Systems
  • Datei
  • Erscheinungsjahr2016
  • LicenceCC-BY
  • ZugriffsrechteCC-BY
  • Download Statistik844
  • Peer ReviewJa
  • AbstractFault-tolerant distributed algorithms play an increasingly important role in many applications, and their correct and efficient implementation is notoriously difficult. We present an automatic approach to synthesise provably correct fault-tolerant distributed algorithms from formal specifications in linear-time temporal logic. The supported system model covers synchronous reactive systems with finite local state, while the failure model includes strong self-stabilisation as well as Byzantine failures. The synthesis approach for a fixed-size network of processes is complete for realisable specifications, and can optimise the solution for small implementations and short stabilisation time. To solve the bounded synthesis problem with Byzantine failures more efficiently, we design an incremental, CEGIS-like loop. Finally, we define two classes of problems for which our synthesis algorithm obtains solutions that are not only correct in fixed-size networks, but in networks of arbitrary size.