- Autor
- Terin, Denis
- Kardash, Marina
- Karpenko-Jereb, Larisa
- TitelEffect of water on the modular structure conformation of "Polikon K" material
- Datei
- DOI10.1007/s10692-016-9714-5
- Persistent Identifier
- Erschienen inFibre Chemistry
- Band47
- Erscheinungsjahr2016
- Heft6
- Seiten461-464
- LicenceCC-BY
- Download Statistik1716
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractThis paper presents the developed probabilistic spatial model fragments of the structure of polyacrylonitrile fiber, the monomerization composition (condensing components of the polymer matrix), and “Polikon K” – “Polikon K1a” material. The dynamic contact angle of the investigated material was experimentally determined, and the work of adhesion (1.154 mJ/m2) and wetting (73.855 mJ/m2) of the surface material was calculated. The model of the structure of the “Polikon K1a” material indicates the most likely point of<br/>interaction of copolymer polyacrylic fiber with reactive CH3– groups of the polymer matrix, namely, the interaction with the C≡N group, by breaking one bond and forming a methylene bridge. The size of the unit cell of the model was estimated: 10.6 × 10.3 × 9.7 Å. The dependence of the torsion angle near the methylene bridge on the concentration of water molecules was investigated.