- Autor
- Radchenko, Artem
- Petrochenko, Marina
- TitelThe procedure of losses management on the pre-design construction stage
- Datei
- Erscheinungsjahr2016
- LicenceCC-BY

- Konferenz NameThe 2nd International Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technologies
- Konferenz OrtTatranské Matliare
- Konferenz StaatSlowakei
- Download Statistik625
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractThis research article is aimed to assist for decision makers to make the first steps in loss management process on the pre-design stage of construction. The implementation of risk management instruments can help to assess the impact of each loss on the buildings erection and the possibilities to their elimination. The main purpose of such procedure is to improve the activi-ties of the construction company, update efficiency and quality characteristics, increase produc-tivity and reduce costs. Article briefly describes stages of loss management in lean construction.