- Autor
- Scharfetter, Hermann
- Issa, S.
- TitelReduction of low-frequency noise in magnetic induction tomography systems
- Datei
- DOI10.1007/978-3-540-89208-3_180
- Band22
- Erscheinungsjahr2009
- Seiten752-755
- LicenceCC-BY
- Projekt Identifikator
- info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FWF/SFB/F32/Mathematical Optimization and Applications in Biomedical Sciences/

- Konferenz Name4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
- Konferenz OrtAntwerp
- Konferenz StaatBelgium
- Konferenz URLhttp://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-540-89208-3
- Download Statistik2293
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractMagnetic induction tomography (MIT) aims at the contact-less imaging of the electrical conductivity and related pathophysiological processes. Systems operating at frequencies below 1 MHz are desirable but suffer from poor SNR which can be dramatically impaired by mechanical vibrations. We present an algorithm which suppresses vibration noise in the imaginary part of the data and improves the SNR up to 35 dB.