- Autor
- Ulz, Thomas
- Pieber, Thomas
- Steger, Christian
- Lesjak, Christian
- Bock, Holger
- Matischek, Rainer
- TitelSECURECONFIG: NFC and QR-Code based Hybrid Approach for Smart Sensor Configuration
- Datei
- Erscheinungsjahr2017
- LicenceCC BY-NC-SA

- Konferenz NameIEEE International Conference on RFID
- Konferenz OrtPhoenix
- Konferenz StaatUSA / Vereinigte Staaten
- Konferenz URLhttp://2017.ieee-rfid.org/
- Download Statistik3441
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractIn smart factories and smart homes, devices such as smart sensors are connected to the Internet. Independent of the context in which such a smart sensor is deployed, the possibility to change its configuration parameters in a secure way is essential. Existing solutions do provide only minimal security or do not allow to transfer arbitrary configuration data. In this paper, we present an NFC- and QR-code based configuration interface for smart sensors which improves the security and practicability of the configuration altering process while introducing as little overhead as possible. We present a protocol for configuration as well as a hardware extension including a dedicated security controller (SC) for smart sensors. For customers, no additional hardware other than a commercially available smartphone will be necessary which makes the proposed approach highly applicable for smart factory and smart home contexts alike.