  • Autor
    • Lee, Sangkyun
    • Holzinger, Andreas
  • TitelKnowledge Discovery from Complex High Dimensional Data
  • Datei
  • Persistent Identifier
  • Erscheinungsjahr2016
  • Seiten148-167
  • LicenceCC-BY
  • ZugriffsrechteCC-BY
  • Konferenz NameWorkshop Machine Learning for Biomedicine at TU Graz
  • Konferenz OrtGraz
  • Konferenz StaatÖsterreich
  • Download Statistik1734
  • Peer ReviewJa
  • AbstractModern data analysis is confronted by increasing dimensionality of problems, mainly contributed by higher resolutions available for data acquisition and by our use of larger models with more degrees of freedom to investigate complex systems deeper. High dimensionality constitutes one aspect of “big data”, which brings us not only computational but also statistical and perceptional challenges. Most data analysis problems are solved using techniques of optimization, where large-scale optimization requires faster algorithms and implementations. Computed solutions must be evaluated for statistical quality, since otherwise false discoveries can be made. Recent papers suggest to control and modify algorithms themselves for better statistical properties. Finally, human perception puts an inherent limit on our understanding to three dimensional spaces, making it almost impossible to grasp complex phenomena. For aid, we use dimensionality reduction or other techniques, but these usually do not capture relations between interesting objects. Here graph-based knowledge representation has lots of potential, for instance to create perceivable and interactive representations and to perform new types of analysis based on graph theory and network topology. In this article, we show glimpses of new developments in these aspects.