- Autor
- Steyrl, David
- Müller-Putz, Gernot
- TitelArtifacts in EEG of simultaneous EEG-fMRI: Pulse artifact remainders in the gradient artifact template are a source of artifact residuals after average artifact subtraction
- Datei
- DOI10.1088/1741-2552/aaec42
- Erschienen inJournal of neural engineering
- Erscheinungsjahr2018
- LicenceCC-BY
- Download Statistik1942
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractObjective: The simultaneous application of electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) opens up new ways to investigate the human brain. The EEG recordings of simultaneous EEG-fMRI, however, are overlaid to a great degree by fMRI related artifacts and an artifact reduction is mandatory before any EEG analysis. The most severe artifacts – the gradient artifact and the pulse artifact – are repetitive. Average artifact subtraction (AAS) technique exploits the repetitiveness and is presumably the most often used artifact reduction technique. In this method artifact templates are calculated by averaging over adjacent artifact epochs and subsequently the templates are subtracted to reduce the artifacts. Although the AAS technique is one of the best performing methods, artifact residuals are usually present in the resulting EEG after applying the AAS technique. This work aims at identifying sources of the artifact residuals.
 Approach: Application of the AAS technique to artificial EEG that is contaminated with artificial fMRI related artifacts.
 Main results: A new source of artifact residuals was identified. It was found that the AAS technique itself adds artifacts to the EEG during gradient artifact reduction, because the gradient artifact template is corrupted by pulse artifact remainders.
 Significance: This work shows that using a standard number of 25 epochs to calculate the gradient artifact template – as suggested by the inventors of AAS – results in substantial artifact residuals and consequently to a low EEG quality. Furthermore, the work discusses how potential solutions to this problem have serious side effects such as loss of adaptivity of the AAS technique. Hence, this problem must be considered carefully already in the design of simultaneous EEG-fMRI experiments.