- Autor
- Wolfsgruber, Christoph
- Lichtenegger, Gerald
- TitelOptimal Configuration in Production Planning and Control
- Datei
- DOI10.1007/s00501-016-0474-6
- Persistent Identifier
- Erschienen inBHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte
- Band161
- Erscheinungsjahr2016
- Heft5
- Seiten221-224
- ISSN1613-7531

- Download Statistik1704
- Peer ReviewNein
- AbstractThe operational practice is undergoing fundamental changes due to the increasing complexity and new technological possibilities often summarized with the buzzword `Industrie 4.0'. Besides others, these trends will have major impacts on the way production is planned. This paper shows findings of a simulation-based evaluation of production planning and control methods regarding these challenges. Based on these fundamental insights, a framework for an optimal configuration in production planning and control is presented.