- Autor
- Aichernig, Bernhard K.
- Schumi, Richard
- TitelProperty-based testing of web services by deriving properties from business-rule models
- Datei
- DOI10.1007/s10270-017-0647-0
- Persistent Identifier
- Erschienen inSoftware & Systems Modeling
- Erscheinungsjahr2017
- ISSN1619-1374

- Download Statistik198
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractProperty-based testing is well suited for web-service applications, which was already shown in various case studies. For example, it has been demonstrated that JSON schemas can be used to automatically derive test case generators for web forms. In this work, we present a test case generation approach for a rule engine-driven web-service application. Business-rule models serve us as input for property-based testing. We parse these models to automatically derive generators for sequences of web-service requests together with their required form data. Property-based testing is mostly applied in the context of functional programming. Here, we define our properties in an object-oriented style in C# and its tool FsCheck. We apply our method to the business-rule models of an industrial web-service application in the automotive domain.