  • Autor
    • Bhat, Karthik Subramanya
    • Bachhiesl, Udo
    • Stigler, Heinrich
  • TitelStrategic analysis for the long-term renewable goals of the Indian electricity sector
  • Datei
  • Erscheinungsjahr2019
  • LicenceCC-BY
  • ZugriffsrechteCC-BY
  • Konferenz Name28th International Expert Meeting Komunalna Energetika Power Engineering 2019
  • Konferenz OrtMaribor
  • Konferenz StaatSlowenien
  • Download Statistik1075
  • Peer ReviewJa
  • AbstractThe energy sectors of a majority of countries globally are undergoing a transition from conventional thermal energy to clean renewable energy, with regards to a higher awareness on climate change. The electricity sector forms a major part of any energy sector. The transition of the electricity sector from conventional electricity generation to renewable energy is a tedious and long-term process. Furthermore, the transition process brings about a large number of complications on the electricity system. This has already been observed in the European Union (EU).  India is a country in the middle of such a transition process. Also, the Government of India (GoI) is committed to its stance on battling climate change, with the improvement of its electricity generation shares from renewable energy sources by the year 2030. In order to attain such an objective, the GoI has come up with ambitious objectives for capacity expansions of solar Photo-Voltaic (PV) and Wind power by the year 2025. This study focuses on the analysis of a scenario with large scale electricity generation from Solar PV and onshore wind power capacities, distributed over the five different power regions in India. For the simulation of this scenario, the techno-economic model ATLANTIS_India, developed at the Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation, Graz University of Technology, has been used. The simulation results of such a scenario are analyzed and further discussed as conclusions for the study.