- Autor
- TitelOpportunities and Challenges of Video Content and Video Technology in Smart Factories
- Datei
- Erscheinungsjahr2018
- LicenceCC BY
- Konferenz NameUsability Day XVI
- Konferenz OrtDornbirn
- Konferenz StaatÖsterreich
- Konferenz URLhttps://www.fhv.at/forschung/nutzerzentrierte-technologien/uday/
- Download Statistik678
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractProduction companies typically have not utilized video content and video technology in factory environments to a significant extent in the past. However, the current Industry 4.0 movement inspires companies to reconsider production processes and job qualifications for their shop floor workforce. Infrastructure and machines get connected to central manufacturing execution systems in digitization and datafication efforts. In the realm of this fourth industrial revolution, companies are encouraged to revisit their strategy regarding video-based applications as well. This paper discusses the current situation and selected aspects of opportunities and challenges of video technology that might enable added value in such environments.