- Autor
- Redtenbacher, Christoph
- Aßmus, Kevin
- Lurf, Gottfried
- Kiesling, Constantin
- Tilz, Anton
- Nickl, Andreas
- TitelDetailed Assessment of an Innovative Combined Gas-Diesel Injector for Diesel Ignited High-pressure Gas Direct Injection Combustion Concepts
- Datei
- DOI10.3217/nnqrm-pbv59
- Erscheinungsjahr2019
- Seiten1-13
- LicenceCC BY-ND 4.0

- Konferenz Name29th CIMAC World Congress on Internal Combustion Engines
- Konferenz OrtVancouver
- Konferenz StaatCanada
- Download Statistik144
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractDiesel ignited high-pressure gas direct injection combustion concepts (gas-diesel combustion concepts) enable the use of gases with low methane numbers at a high compression ratio and consequently high thermal efficiency while keeping emissions of unburned hydrocarbons and thus methane very low. Woodward L’Orange GmbH has developed an advanced combined gas-diesel injector concept for high-speed applications of the gas-diesel combustion process. This paper assesses a prototype of this injector based on comprehensive investigations on an LEC injection rate analysis system and a high-speed single-cylinder research engine with a displacement of approximately 6 dm³. First, the challenges and requirements of fuel injection for gas-diesel engines are discussed and the investigated gas-diesel injector and the assessment methodology are introduced. Next, the injector is characterized based on the results of the measurements on the LEC injection rate analysis system. The total gas injection rate of all gas nozzle holes of the injector in relation to different operating parameters is analyzed as well as deviations in the injection characteristics of the individual nozzle holes and shot-to-shot fluctuations. Based on the results of the injector validation on the singlecylinder research engine, the benefits of exploiting the maximum permissible gas injection pressure of 500 bar are assessed and the use of hydrogen-enriched natural gas compared to natural gas is evaluated with regard to engine performance and emissions. Finally, the influence of the injector behavior on the engine results is discussed.