- Autor
- TitelElectroencephalography
- Datei
- DOI10.1016/B978-0-444-63934-9.00018-4
- Erschienen inHandbook of Clinical Neurology
- Band168
- Erscheinungsjahr2020
- Seiten249-262
- LicenceCC-BY

- Download Statistik2679
- Peer ReviewNein
- AbstractThe electroencephalogram (EEG) was invented almost 100 years ago and is still a method of choice for many research questions, even applications—from functional brain imaging in neuroscientific investigations during movement to real-time applications like brain-computer interfacing. This chapter gives some background information on the establishment and properties of the EEG. This chapter starts with a closer look at the sources of EEG at a micro or neuronal level, followed by recording techniques, types of electrodes, and common EEG artifacts. Then an overview on EEG phenomena, namely, spontaneous EEG and event-related potentials build the middle part of this chapter. The last part discusses brain signals, which are used in current BCI research, including short descriptions and examples of applications.