  • Autor
    • Heyer, Yasmine
    • Baumgartner, Daniela
    • Baumgartner, Christian
  • TitelA Systematic Review of the Transthoracic Impedance during Cardiac Defibrillation
  • Datei
  • DOI10.3390/s22072808
  • Erschienen inSensors
  • Band22
  • Erscheinungsjahr2022
  • Heft7
  • LicenceCC BY 4.0
  • ISSN1424-8220
  • ZugriffsrechteCC-BY
  • Download Statistik1113
  • Peer ReviewJa
  • AbstractFor cardiac defibrillator testing and design purposes, the range and limits of the human TTI is of high interest. Potential influencing factors regarding the electronic configurations, the electrode/tissue interface and patient characteristics were identified and analyzed. A literature survey based on 71 selected articles was used to review and assess human TTI and the influencing factors found. The human TTI extended from 12 to 212 Ω in the literature selected. Excluding outliers and pediatric measurements, the mean TTI recordings ranged from 51 to 112 Ω with an average TTI of 76.7 Ω under normal distribution. The wide range of human impedance can be attributed to 12 different influencing factors, including shock waveforms and protocols, coupling devices, electrode size and pressure, electrode position, patient age, gender, body dimensions, respiration and lung volume, blood hemoglobin saturation and different pathologies. The coupling device, electrode size and electrode pressure have the greatest influence on TTI.