- Autor
- Riener, Christian
- Bauernfeind, Thomas
- Kvasnicka, Samuel
- Roppert, Klaus
- Hackl, Herbert
- Kaltenbacher, Manfred
- TitelNumerical Investigation of Signal Launch Imperfections for Edge Mount RF Connectors
- Datei
- DOI10.3390/electronics11131990
- Erschienen inElectronics
- Band11
- Erscheinungsjahr2022
- Heft13
- LicenceCC BY 4.0
- ISSN2079-9292
- Download Statistik1329
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractIn this paper, common practice RF design guidelines for SMA edge mount connectors are investigated in terms of numerical simulations and VNA measurements. These guidelines are used in a variety of applications for coaxial-to-planar interfaces but often do not provide information regarding the physical origins of increased insertion and transmission losses. The presented results in this work focus on different RF PCB design features and their impact on electromagnetic field distributions in the launching zone. The presented investigations should raise awareness on the issue of electromagnetic field resonances occurring in the RF frequency range and assist PCB design engineers to identify potential issues occurring at an coaxial-to-planar interface. The investigated PCB features facilitate a high performance RF PCB design up to a frequency of 26 GHz.