- Autor
- Burian, Max
- Meisenbichler, Christian
- Naumenko, Denys
- Amenitsch, Heinz
- TitelSAXSDOG: open software for real-time azimuthal integration of 2D scattering images
- Datei
- DOI10.1107/s1600576722003685
- Erschienen inJournal of applied crystallography
- Band55
- Erscheinungsjahr2022
- Heft3
- Seiten677-685
- LicenceCC BY 4.0
- ISSN1600-5767
- Download Statistik963
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractIn situ small- and wide-angle scattering experiments at synchrotrons often result in massive quantities of data within just seconds. Especially during such beamtimes, processing of the acquired data online, without appreciable delay, is key to obtaining feedback on the failure or success of the experiment. This had led to the development of SAXSDOG, a Python-based environment for realtime azimuthal integration of large-area scattering images. The software is primarily designed for dedicated data pipelines: once a scattering image is transferred from the detector onto the storage unit, it is automatically integrated and pre-evaluated using integral parameters within milliseconds. The control and configuration of the underlying server-based processes is achieved via a graphical user interface, SAXSLEASH, which visualizes the resulting 1D data together with integral classifiers in real time. SAXSDOG further includes a portable ‘take-home’ version for users that runs on standalone computers, enabling its use in laboratories or at the preferred workspace.