- Autor
- Petrasek, Zdenek
- Bolivar, Juan Manuel
- Nidetzky, Bernd
- TitelOptimal parameters in variable-velocity scanning luminescencelifetime microscopy
- Datei
- DOI10.1002/jemt.23566
- Erschienen inMicroscopy research and technique
- Band84
- Erscheinungsjahr2021
- Heft1
- Seiten71-78
- LicenceCC BY 4.0
- ISSN1097-0029
- Download Statistik81
- Peer ReviewJa
- AbstractWe determine the optimal parameters (scan velocities) for measuring the lumines-cence lifetime on the microsecond scale using the recently introduced methodbased on scanning the excitation beam across the sample. Using simulations, weevaluate the standard deviation and bias of the luminescence decay rate deter-mined by scanning with two different velocities. The analysis is performed forPoisson- and normal-distributed signals, representing different types of detectiontechniques. We also show that a weak uncorrected background induces a bias inthe obtained decay rate, and take this effect into account when choosing optimalmeasurement parameters. For comparison, the analysis is additionally performedfor two conventional gating schemes for lifetime measurement. The variable-velocity scanning method is found to be more robust to the effect of the back-ground signal than the gating schemes.